+32(0)2 588 59 59 info@feniksaccountants.be

Tax shelter starters now also for growth companies

Crowdfunding for starters In 2015, the government introduced the ‘tax shelter’ for investments in starters. This tax advantage was meant for who contributes to the risk capital of a starting company. The investment must comply with two important...

Capital reductions in 2018

Classical rule: freedom of choice for the company Previously it was simple: at the occasion of a capital reduction the company could freely choose on which part of the share capital a capital reduction was charged. Why is that so important? This choice has important...

What is the tax treatment of stock options?

Stock options? A stock option gives the right during a certain exercise period to buy shares against a whether or not previously determined price (the exercise price). Employees and directors can in this way obtain shares. In most cases these are shares of the company...

Privacy legislation: are you GDPR compliant?

General Data Protection Regulation Since 1995 a privacy directive exists which has been implemented in national law by all member states. This directive determines how and when companies can collect, process and transfer personal data to third parties. These rules...