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Catering on a marketing event

VAT and hospitality expenses The discussion about the VAT deduction on restaurant and reception expenses and the deductibility for income taxes is no ‘one-on-one’ story. VAT on hospitality expenses is not deductible. One exception exists: in case the...

The lump sum mileage allowance from 1 July 2019 up to 30 June 2020

With your own car If you as employer asks your employee to use his own car, it is logical that you pay an allowance for the employee’s expenses. As a general rule the employee has to prove these expenses. But for practical reasons the tax authorities accept that...

When is VAT due on the letting of immovable property?

Three cases There are three situations in which VAT is due on the letting of immovable goods: When the landlord and the tenant choose to charge VAT on the rent (the so-called optional VAT rent); Letting of storage space. This was already in place, but now there is a...

No capital requirements for the private company (BV)

The private company is a company with full legal personality without capital in which the shareholders only commit to their contribution. We find the provisions of the CAC which specifically apply to the private company in Book 5 (art. 5:1 – 5:158) of Part 2.The...

Professional expenses lump sum now also for self-employed

Lump sum Advantage of a lump sum expenses deduction is that you do not have to prove the costs you actually made; it is not necessary to keep all your tickets, invoices or other means of proof. You can maximum deduct 30% of your profit as professional expenditure,...

In which sectors can the lump sum flat-rate scheme apply?

Legal form of the VAT payer In order to benefit from the flat-rate scheme, the company should work as an individual, ordinary (limited) partnership or private limited liability company. Other conditions Only VAT payers which should issue invoices for maximum 25% of...